a church by the sea
that sees god's image
in all people

We welcome you as christ has welcomed us

Our Affirmations

god created you for a divine purpose

God gifted you for an earthly mission

God accompanies you on an eternal journey


The mission of First Baptist Church is to proclaim the whole gospel for the whole person for the whole world.


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At First Baptist Church, we model our congregational life on the Kingdom of God as described in the New Testament. Since the Kingdom includes people of every age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic status, social standing, and physical and mental ability, so do we. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have been welcomed and affirmed by God. In the same way, we welcome and affirm all God’s children and open our doors and hearts to everyone. 


With great anguish, we acknowledge our flaws and imperfections, but we have joined with other flawed, imperfect people to grow together in Christ. This means committing ourselves to prayer, worship, study, and mission. Having experienced God’s love, we are inspired to show compassion to others, to work for peace and justice, and to bring the gospel to a hurting world through both our words and deeds.

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